Annual disclosure form:
Please check the email you would have received from this office in regards to your "as of" reporting date as well as due date. Any questions, please contact us.
For reporting group 1:
December 31, 2024 reporting (due noon, February 19, 2025)
The Conflicts of Interest Act states that no gifts should be accepted unless it is an incident of protocol or a social obligation that normally accompany the Member’s office.
If it is determined that a ticket to an event, invitation, attendance fees, travel expenses, is an incident of protocol or a social obligation, there are no longer any monetary limits as of January 1, 2024, but Members must report invitations valued at greater than $1,000 to the Office of the Ethics Commissioner within 60 days of acceptance.
For tangible gifts, if it is an incident of protocol or social obligation, the monetary limit that Members may accept without prior permission, is $500. If the tangible gift is over $500, an approval must be sought from the Ethics Commissioner.
New form as of November 21, 2024:
Gift Acceptance Request/Reporting Sheet (GARRS)
Guide to Fees, Gifts and Other Benefits- November 2024
Non-Commercial Air Travel
Information for Ministers of the Crown and the Leader of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition